Small Group Resources Spring '24

Everything you need for small groups.

Small Groups Spring 2024: Prayer

Here you can find each of the session videos 📽️, links to download free resources, Amazon links to purchase any additional resources you would like, discussions, and more.📖

Reach Reading: "Pray Like Monks, Live Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton

Get your copy HERE.

How to Airplay and/or Cast to your TV.

We'll provide old school DVDs to group leaders to use if you prefer or the internet is out. For those of us who don't have access to a time machine, we can use an HDMI cable, or there are some good options to get the videos wirelessly to your TV.

Week 1: Small Groups Family Meal 🤝

January 28 - Feb 3

There is no kind of gathering like a family meal. Do you like to prepare and share a big feast? Are you a potluck kinda guy, or a finger food kind of gal? However you like to get a meal on, invite your group to participate and eat together. We think there's no kind of togetherness like eating together-ness.

Some discussion starter questions: (these are just ideas for you)

  • How were your holidays?
  • Are they exciting for you or stressful?
  • What moments this Christmas and New Year did you feel closest to God?
  • What are your dreams for the new year?
  • Do you have any expectations from practicing prayer together as a group?

Week 2: 📽️ Prayer 🙏 Talking to God Part 1

February 4-10

Prayer: Talking to God Pt. 1

Discussion Starter Questions: (ideas if you need)

  • What comes to mind (positive or negative) when you think of God as our Father?
  • When you pray, do you feel like God is "as close as the air"? If you do, can you recall a time when you have not?
  • Have you ever prayed a "liturgy" or pre-made prayers?
  • How can going back to the basics of prayer (re)ignite your love for Jesus and others?
  • Has God ever miraculously answered a prayer for you?
  • What impact does your prayer rhythm have on your circle?


  1. Choose a time, place, and duration to dedicate to meet with God.
  2. Start small. If this is your first time practicing prayer, or you're coming back for the first time in a while, don't plan on jumping right in with an hour of prayer and meditation. Set a goal you can meet.
  3. Many, including the patriarchs and Jesus himself, find early in the morning to be a key time for prayer.
  4. Consider prayer as a part of your morning routine.
  5. If you need your workout, coffee, etc. before your brain functions, we get it. Schedule prayer right after.
  6. Resist the urge to reach for your social media and news feeds before you've spent time with God.
  7. Aim for consistency.
  8. It matters less about when and how long you show up, but that you show up and show up often.
  9. Consider doing something kinetic if that works best with your personality, or if you struggle with ADHD.
  10. Go for a walk.
  11. Craft a beautiful cup of tea or coffee
  12. Choose a pre-made prayer, and talk to God.
  13. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent place to start.
  14. Pray through the Psalms.
  15. Pray other scriptures.
  16. Use the book of common prayer.
  17. Sing a worship song to the LORD.
  18. Rinse and repeat.
  19. We want to create a rhythm of prayer and construct our life around it. Consistency is key to forming a habit.
  20. Once you've become comfortable with the structure, focus on tuning in to The Holy Spirit's work in you through prayer.
  21. If you get knocked off your rhythm, don't sweat it. Just pick it back up.


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. It is a very enjoyable read even as it challenges us to return to prayer. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading the intro and Chapter 1.

Our aim is not to become people who perfectly practice prayer (I hope you liked that alliteration). We want to know God, to become like Jesus, and be transformed into people of love.

The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. - 1 Tim 1:5

Week 3: 📽️ Prayer 🙏 Talking to God Pt 2

February 11-17

Prayer: Talking to God Pt. 2

Discussion questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stories good/bad/and funny can you share about your experience with a prayer practice this week?
  • Have you ever had areas of your life stuck in a ditch of legalism, trying to earn favor with God? What was that like?
  • Have you ever had areas of your life stuck in a ditch of dead faith (James 2:14-26), where your faith never progressed to good works?
  • If Maturity is Movement, what are some ways we can get lost in the woods of immaturity?
  • In what way do you need God's Kingdom to come down in you? In your world?
  • Have you ever thought about your life making visible the invisible God? Does that ring true for you?
  • Have any of the fears listed in "Praying Like Monks..." ever held back your prayer life?
  • Fear of being naive
  • Fear of silence
  • Fear of selfish motives
  • Fear of doing it wrong.


  1. Keep showing up. Keep going with your new (or old) prayer rhythm. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to form a lifestyle, but that's really only partially true (and a misquote from a famous surgeon/psychologist). It's always a fight to do something worthwhile. How much more will the fight be when this is something to bring God's Kingdom right here on earth. There are powers and principalities who would much rather you keep scrolling on social media than spend time communing with God and being transformed by His Spirit.
  2. Recognize things that block or taint your prayer time. Name those things, call them out, and bring them to God in prayer. Lay your burdens at His feet, and ask Him to help you overcome them. Here are some examples from the reading, I'm sure there are others.
  3. Fear of being naive - we don't want to look foolish.
  4. Fear of silence - what if God doesn't answer?
  5. Fear of selfish motives - am I praying for the right reasons?
  6. Fear of doing it wrong - Am I unworthy? Have I sinned to much? Do I have the right mindset?
  7. Connect with one or two others in your group to join with you in developing your own practice of prayer.
  8. Text or call each other to check in once or twice per week.
  9. Share your experiences with each other.
  10. Consider a meet up to pray together some morning.


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. It is a very enjoyable read even as it challenges us to return to prayer. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading Chapters 2 & 3. There are practices at the end of each chapter of the book that can supplement and support the practices we're doing as a group.

Week 4: 📽️  Prayer 🙏 Talking WITH God Pt. 1

February 18-24

Talking with God Pt 1

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • What are some ways that thinking of the Lord's Prayer as a manifesto about loving God and loving others might change the way you approach prayer?
  • Have you ever ended up becoming the answer to a prayer you've been praying for someone?
  • If the Father know's our need before we even ask, why do you think He expects us to ask?
  • Have there ever been times you've prayed for something, but if you're honest you didn't really expect God to do anything?
  • Can you share a prayer you've prayed or are believing for that God hasn't answered or isn't answering?
  • What do you do with unanswered prayers?
  • How does your view of God as our loving Father change your perspective of unanswered prayer, or how does unanswered prayer change your perspective of God as our Father?


  1. Refine your prayer rhythm
  2. Include the LORD's prayer in every prayer session as a reminder to train your hearts to LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS.
  3. Include a moment of silence in your prayer sessions. Some people like to begin their prayer with a few minutes of silence to allow the Spirit to lead them in prayer. Some folks like to include a moment after each phrase of the Lord's Prayer to allow what they're praying to sink deep into their hearts. Some people like to do both. Silence is difficult for most of us. Your mind will want to wander. Distractions will abound. Good and bad thoughts will pop right into your noggin. You will have to practice 2 Corinthians 10:5. Take captive every thought and make obedient to Jesus. This is crucial to tuning into the voice of the Spirit. What we practice here in our prayer will help us do the same throughout our day.
  4. Add an afternoon prayer session. From the time of David all the way through to modern church history, God's people have prayed three times per day: early in the morning, mid-day, and evening. I hope that we will learn to do the same. Every one of our times of prayer won't be an hour of mediation and an hour of intercession. Just simply pausing in the middle of the day for a minute or two of silence and listening to the Holy Spirit and a minute or so reciting the Lord's Prayer can help us as we make our whole lives a living prayer, praying without ceasing. It's at least worth a try. Set an alarm for sometime around lunch, and find or make a place dedicated for prayer. Pray wherever you are, but remember to pray from the heart, praying vain repetition won't accomplish anything.
  5. Begin or Reignite a passion for intercession
  6. Pray as the Holy Spirit Leads. This is why that moment of silent listening is so important to our prayer. In that moment, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to pray. Remember this is a partnership with God. Jesus is already at the right hand of the Father interceding for us. We are joining Him by the power of the Spirit.
  7. Pray for your Circle. Those 10-15 people who have a front row seat to your life. Your co-workers, your trainer at the gym, the waitress at that cafe you go to every day, your neighbors in the apartment, your kids teachers, the family in the house next door, the other parents in your daughters class, and especially, your immediate family. God has put these people in your life for a reason. He wants to accomplish His purpose in their life through YOU! Intercede for them.
  8. Pray for their needs.
  9. Pray for healing from sin
  10. Pray for right relationship with God
  11. Pray for new life in Jesus.
  12. Pray for your Church.
  13. Pray for your leaders. Pray for your small group leader, ministry leaders, church staff, and the pastors of Praise.
  14. Pray for your small group.
  15. Pray the Holy Spirit moves in your group.
  16. Pray as Jesus prayed, for your group to be one in each other, Jesus, and the Father.
  17. Pray for the needs of individuals in your group.
  18. Ask the Spirit how you can be the answer to the prayers of your group.
  19. Pray for the Needs of Individuals at Praise. On any Praise website (like this one), you can access the prayer wall to scroll through the immediate needs of our church family and post any needs that you would like others to pray through with you. You can use the prayer wall directly on your device during one or more of your prayer sessions this week. It presents prayer needs in a beautiful and focused way. If you are easily distracted by technology, ask the Spirit which need or needs you should be praying for this week, write them, and/or the names of the people on prayer cards and carry them with you in your pocket to be reminded to pray for them. CLICK HERE TO GO DIRECTLY TO THE PRAYER WALL!!!!


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. It is a very enjoyable read even as it challenges us to return to prayer. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading Chapters 4 & 5 There are practices at the end of each chapter of the book that can supplement and support the practices we're doing as a group.

Week 5: 📽️ Prayer 🙏 Talking WITH God Pt. 2

February 25 - March 2

Prayer: Talking with God Pt 2

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • Have you ever felt like your prayers were unheard? Like the heavens were brass or God wasn't listening?
  • How do you deal with the emotions that happen when pain and suffering come despite your faithfulness to God?
  • Has lament ever been something you've practiced or considered practicing?
  • Do you agree that learning to lament can help you trust God more?
  • How can learning to lament help you reach your circle?


  1. Learn to Lament - Jesus modeled lament for us, and the scriptures are full of recorded laments.
  2. Read Job and Lamentations.
  3. How do Job and his friends respond to suffering?
  4. How does Jeremiah respond to his despair over the destruction of Jerusalem?
  5. How does God respond to Job vs. Jeremiah
  6. Pray Psalms of Lament like
  7. Psalm 130
  8. Psalm 6
  9. Psalm 38
  10. Psalm 22
  11. Write/pray your own lament
  12. Turn to God
  13. Make your complaint
  14. Ask Boldly
  15. Trust God
  16. Pray Prayers of Gratitude
  17. Throughout your day, write down the good things that happen and pray them back to God in the evening
  18. Begin every session of prayer with praise and adoration
  19. End ever session of prayer with praise and gratitude.
  20. Sing songs of gratitude throughout your week.


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading Chapters 6 & 7 There are practices at the end of each chapter of the book that can supplement and support the practices we're doing as a group.

Week 6: Family Meal 🍽️

March 3 - 9

There's no better conversation than one had around a table (or on a couch with a paper plate).

Choose the host home or book the restaraunt. Plan the menu. Party like it's 1999 🎉

---I know some of us weren't even born yet, so just imagine.---

Bonus: Spend some time praying together with your group if you want to give it a try and your group is up for it 🙏.


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading Chapters 8 & 9 There are practices at the end of each chapter of the book that can supplement and support the practices we're doing as a group.

Spring Break: March 10-16

As has been our custom, we will take a break during SPS Spring Break week. There will not be content created for this week. However, you can certainly meet for more fellowship, prayer, or to discuss what God is doing in and through you. If you want to go bowling, or underwater basketweaving, have at it!

Week 7: 📽️  Small Group Prayer Meeting 🙏

March 17-23

Hour of Prayer

A pdf guide is available below for printing or using on your digital device. Here is the introduction on the pdf guide:

Throughout our prayer time together, we will have opportunity to pray through the scriptures listed. Many are intended to be read aloud together. Wherever scriptures are listed in bold, pray them aloud along with the video. It is important that we use our voice to lift these scriptures and that we make them our prayers rather than just ‘vain repetition’. 

Leaders, please encourage your group members to use their voice and pray along with the video out loud.

With each section, there is a time for extemporaneous prayer or quiet reflection as the Holy Spirit leads your group.

Anointing with oil and praying for the sick is encouraged during the prayers of intercession. Please be ready to pray for one another and to anoint with oil. Group leaders or hosts, please have some high quality oil available for anointing with. Extra virgin olive oil from the grocery store works well. 

During the course of the meeting, we’ll sing a couple of songs of praise, one ancient, and one modern. These songs are meant to be sung together, not listened to. Please participate and encourage others around you to participate. If you need to turn up the sound bar or tv speakers loud enough to make everyone comfortable enough to engage, than do it! 

Let’s pray together believing the LORD hears and will answer our prayers. 


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading Chapter 10 There are practices at the end of each chapter of the book that can supplement and support the practices we're doing as a group.

Week 8: Prayer 🙏 • Group Discussion, No Video

March 24-30

Take this time around Easter to catch up on any missed group meetings and discussion, to further reflect on the prayers of Jesus leading to passion week. Our next video will be April 7-13.

  • Reflect on your experience this week:
  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • How have your prayer rhythms changed through different seasons in your life? 
  • What is something that focusing on prayer as a group has done in your life? 
  • Was a regular daily/weekly rhythm of prayer a part of your family life growing up? 
  • Do you think it is easier for singles or married folks to have regular rhythms of prayer? 
  • What has been your experience with relationships and prayer?
  • How does being a student affect your prayer life?
  • For families, do you have a regular rhythm of prayer together? 
  • If so, how do you do it? 
  • If not, what keeps you from it?
  • How do you balance individual and family prayer? 
  • If your group has already met for our group hour of prayer, reflect on your experience.
  •  What stood out to you? 
  • How did you overcome the awkwardness of praying together like that? 
  • Which do you value most, individual or corporate prayer? 
  • If you still need to meet for our group hour of prayer, what do you expect?
  • Will it be awkward or uncomfortable for you?
  • Why?
  • Why not?
  • How can we overcome any awkwardness or fear?
  • Which do you value most, individual or corporate prayer?

1 Thessalonians 15:16-18 

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

  • How do we live out this verse through prayer? 
  • How does a regular rhythm of prayer throughout your day call you to "pray without ceasing"? 


We're reading "Praying like Monks, Living Like Fools" by Tyler Stanton. Even if you aren't the overachiever type, you'll find the book inspiring, challenging, and useful as we focus on prayer together. Get your copy here.

This week, we're reading the Epilogue and Appendices as we finish our book.

Week 9: 📽️ Prayer • Listening to God Pt 1 🙏

April 7 - 13

Prayer: Listening Pt 1

Group Discussion

  • Reflect on your experience this week:
  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • Tell about moments when God has spoken to you:
  • Through stillness
  • Through Scripture
  • Through community
  • What does it look like for you to "be still" before God?
  • Is it easier for you to be busy or to be still? If you're completely honest, which do you value in others more? Stillness or business? Does one preclude the other?
  • How does time spent in silence and stillness before the LORD help us hear His voice through our noisy and busy days?


God delights in speaking to us, his sheep. So, this week practice listening to God by setting aside 10 minutes to be still, read scripture, or be with the community of believers.

  • For stillness, spend 10 minutes setting aside as many distractions as you can in as quiet of a space as you can find being silent before the Lord.
  • For Scripture, consider reading through a passage in the Old Testament, one in the New Testament, One in the Gospels, and a Psalm and listen to the voice of God through the complete story of Scripture
  • For community, set aside 10 minutes to have a conversation with a friend or go out for coffee with a trusted mentor and listen to how God speaks through them. 

Week 10: 📽️ Prayer • Listening to God Pt 2 🙏

April 14 - 20

Listening to God Pt 2

Group Discussion

  • Reflect on your experience this week:
  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • In the LORDs prayer, we're on Matthew 6:12 "Forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors"
  • Read Psalm 139.
  • How does our prayer for God to "search us" relate to our prayer from Matthew 6:12?
  • What does it look like for you to ask for your debts to be forgiven?
  • What does it look like for you to forgive others?
  • How does beginning with God as Our Father in verse 9 change your perspective on verse 12?
  • How have you practiced inviting God to search your heart?
  • Would you share a time when praying for God to search your heart has lead you to repentance?
  • In the video, Jordan mentions the contrast of the "desolation" of conviction and the "consolation" of God revealing Himself as we listen in prayer.
  • Can you recall times when listening prayer lead to feelings of desolation?
  • Can you recall when they have lead to consolation?


In your prayers this week, continue spending to practice listening to God by setting aside 10 minutes to be still, read scripture, or be with the community of believers.

  • Like the Psalmist, invite the LORD to search and know your thoughts.
  • As you listen for His voice, notice any anxiety, worry, distraction or selfishness that distract from His voice. Give those thoughts to the LORD in prayer.
  • As the LORD reveals hidden "offensive ways" in you, take action to restore them.
  • If you've treated someone poorly or wronged them, take the steps to make it right.
  • If you've been treated poorly or wronged. Forgive.
  • If the Holy Spirit reveals some hidden sin in you, repent. Turn away from that sin. Confess it to the LORD and to a trusted person in your group who will join with you in prayer as the Spirit helps you overcome that sin.
  • Listen for the voice of the LORD to reveal God's majesty to you in your prayers.
  • Consider taking a moment in nature to pray and listen for the Creator to reveal His majesty to you.
  • Take some time to ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you in each of your daily prayers.

Week 11: 📽️ Prayer • Being with God Pt 1🙏

April 21 - 27

🙏 Being with God Pt. 1

Group Discussion

  • Reflect on your experience this week:
  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • We've been talking about how dedicated times of prayer throughout your day help us engage with god in a way that permeates our lives. How have the different focuses on our prayer practice done that for you?
  • Is it easier to be with God in the quiet of your prayer time or the noise of your busy day?
  • How can you make being with God a part of both?
  • Who is your closest relationship with? How do you relate best with them?
  • Hebrews 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
  • What does baring yourself before God in prayer look like for you since he already sees everything?
  • How do you think God sees you?
  • Can you describe a time when you've been completely satisfied in God?
  • Is that an everyday reality of you? (Be honest)
  • How might practicing being with God in prayer help us be more satisfied in Him?


Try incorporating a practice being fully open to God and aware of His presence in one or more of your regular Rhythms of prayer this week. "The Wardrobe" as used in the video is one option.

Set aside one or more of your prayer sessions for just being with God. Do not plan to ask for things from the LORD or to seek an answer or certain word from Him, just plan to be with God, fully aware of His presence and fully open to His Spirit.

Throughout your day, intentionally make yourself aware of Gods presence as you go about your seemingly mundane tasks for school, or work, or your home. Find satisfaction and delight in God throughout your day, even when things are difficult or busy.

Week 12: 📽️ Prayer • Being with God Pt 2 🙏

April 28 - May 4

🙏 Being with God Pt 2

Group Discussion

  • Reflect on your experience this week:
  • When did you feel closest to God in prayer this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in prayer?
  • What stood out to you (good, bad, or funny) from your prayer practice this week?
  • Throughout our prayer practice this semester, what has stood out to you?
  • What practice or rhythm from our prayer study will you make a regular habit it your prayer life moving forward?
  • What habits will you need to stop, or keep from going back to in order to have time for prayer?
  • What would an ideal rhythm of prayer look like for you.
  • Daily?
  • Weekly?
  • Monthly?
  • Annually?
  • How can you move from being with God only in your "quiet time" to being with God through your noisy, busy days?


Think about your calendar and how you fill your time. Try scheduling in your ideal rhythms of prayer. Maybe schedule brief moments throughout your day to recite the LORDs prayer. Schedule an extended time of prayer on one of your days off next month. Pencil in a time of reflection and being with God for your Sabbath.

Each of us are unique with our own schedules, rhythms, and passions. Each of us have different ways of connecting with God. None of us are going to live by some perfect schedule of prayer. However, all of us have the need to connect with our Creator through talking to Him, talking with Him, listening to Him, and being with Him. Find out what works with your situation and your personality. Do your best to prioritize prayer in your life, even if that means simply reciting the LORDs prayer on your way between a zillion errands. I know God will meet us where we are if we seek Him.

Focusing on prayer over this semester with you has made a huge impact in my life and in my circle. I trust that it has for you and yours as well. I'm a little sad to be finished with the content, but I am looking forward to looking at the practice of scripture with you in the fall!

Pastor Dylan

Week 13: SG Family Meal! 🎉

Wrap up this semester of small groups with a meal or a party.

We'll see you in the fall y'all!