Fine Arts Fundraiser

Fine Arts Showcase and Bake Auction

Join us on Sunday, June 2nd at 6pm for our Youth Fine Arts Showcase and Bake Auction fundraiser. Experience the creativity of our talented youth and support their journey to the Fine Arts Nationals!

We'll be having a silent auction for some amazing baked goods. Proceeds help offset the cost for our Fine Arts students to attend Nationals!

To purchase tickets, contribute baked goods, or make a donation, please click the links below. Your support is invaluable in helping our students achieve their goals. Thank you for your generosity!

Purchase your Showcase ticket in advance below:

Do you have what it takes to win the Golden Cup...cake?

If you're a master baker, sign up to donate your baked good to help our youth go to Fine Arts Nationals. If you're item gets the highest donation bid, you could win the coveted Golden Cup... Cake!

Click the button below!

If you can't make it, but would like to donate, click the button below.