International Service

Welcome • 환영합니다 • Bienvenidos • ようこそ • 欢迎

The kingdom of God is for all tongues and nations!

Whether you are from overseas, called to missions, or just enjoy learning about different cultures, this service is for you!

Discover a truly enriching experience at our international service, where cultures converge, languages harmonize, and hearts connect. All are welcome as we celebrate the beauty of our global community. Let's worship together in unity and embrace the journey that the Lord has set out for us!

Every Sunday!

2:00pm – English/multilanguage service

3:00pm – Prayer & discussion

4:00pm – Korean, Japanese, and English tutoring

The 4th Sunday of every month, we hold a potluck or social outing to encourage fellowship!

Enter into Door #2, and join us in Room #36. We can't wait to see you there!

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Jeremiah 33:3

너는 내게 부르짖으라 내가 네게 응답하겠고 네가 알 지 못하는 크고 비밀하 일을 네게 보이리라.

예레미야 33:3


エレミヤ書 33:3

Questions? We've got answers! Contact Pastor Minhee through the button below!

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