Small Group Resources Fall '24

Everything you need for small groups.

Small Groups Fall 2024: Rhythm of Scripture 📖

Here you can find each of the session videos 📽️, links to download free resources, Amazon links to purchase any additional resources you would like, discussions, and more.📖

Reach Reading: "Open and Unafraid" by W. David O. Taylor

Get your copy here.

Praise Small Group YouTube.

You can access original content on our YouTube channel here. Some find it easier to access videos through the YouTube channel (curated content created by others may not be available on our channel)

How to Airplay and/or Cast to your TV.

You can use an HDMI cable to get content onto your TV, or there are some good options to get the videos wirelessly to your TV.

Week 1: Small Groups Family Meal 🤝

Sept 8-14

There is no kind of gathering like a family meal. Do you like to prepare and share a big feast? Are you a potluck kinda guy, or a finger food kind of gal? However you like to get a meal on, invite your group to participate and eat together. We think there's no kind of togetherness like eating together-ness.

Week 2: 📽️ Video - Living in Community

September 15-21

Living in Community
  1. How have you experienced the difference between being part of a "bag of marbles" (individuals gathering for a shared activity) and being part of a "cluster of grapes" (connected, interdependent community)? What has been most challenging or rewarding for you in either experience?
  2. In what ways have you been "stirred up" or provoked by others in your faith journey, and how has that shaped your spiritual growth? How do you feel about being the one who provokes others toward love and good works?
  3. Think about a time when Christian community supported you through a difficult season. What did that look like for you, and how did it change your understanding of "companions along The Way of Jesus"?
  4. We often talk about using our gifts to encourage and serve others in the body of Christ. How do you feel about cultivating your prophetic voice and using your spiritual gifts in community? What might hold you back, and what would help you step forward?
  5. Are you more inclined to engage with Scripture in a group or individually? How could adding rhythms of Scripture in community help you if you’re inclined to individual reading? How could engaging The Bible individually help you if you only read with the group? What are some ways you could add those things? 


The church is not meant to be an aggregation of collected individuals. We are one body, a house of living stones, branches of the vine of Christ and so on. We often let individualism be our supreme guide, when it seems Jesus’ gospel compels us to be concerned with each other more than ourselves.

One way to practice true community with one another is to pray regularly with one another and to be open and honest about our needs with each other.

Let’s practice it this week, and throughout this semester. 

  1. Connect with someone in your group.
  2. Find another individual who you can regularly pray for and check in with this week. 

2. Share something you really need the other to bring to the LORD with you

Maybe it’s a dream you wonder if you’ll ever see come to pass.

Maybe it’s a healing you or a loved one desperately needs.

Maybe it’s provision.

3. Pray for that person daily

4. Check in with that person regularly




5. See if the Spirit might lead you to be part of the answer for them. 

Reach Practice

As we practice rhythms of scripture this semester, we'll be reading through the Psalms together. If you would like to deepen your understanding of the Psalms and help us integrate them into our lives, our reach practice is reading "Open and Unafraid" Get your copy here.

Week 3: 📽️ Rhythm of Scripture: READ

September 22-28

Week 3: Scripture •READ

Discussion Questions:

Your Approach: How has approaching the Bible been for you? Do you recall times in your journey that you were all in on scripture reading? Times where it seemed hard to get into the routine? Have you ever felt like you had a spiritual injury? How did that affect your relationship to the Bible? 

Encountering the Bible as an epic Story: How has your view of the Bible changed over time, and how has that affected your relationship with it? What are some ways in which meditating on the Word have made you wise in the way of Jesus? What has surprised you in your Bible journey? 

Navigating Complexity: Have you ever struggled with understanding parts of the Bible? How did you handle it, and what helped you navigate those moments of doubt or confusion?

Reading in Community: Have you made a habit of reading the Bible together with others? When has that come naturally, and when have you felt resistance? Can you share an experience where discussing scripture with others shaped or deepened your understanding of it? How has community played a role in your spiritual journey?


Throughout this semester, we are going to practice reading scripture together. We will be reading through the Psalms. In the Psalms, we can find a range of human emotion alongside the story of God’s plan for His people. As we read these raw and real emotions together, we can find our own stories in them. As we share our own Psalm stories, we can encourage others with how God has worked through the scriptures in our lives. 

You will find a Psalms reading plan at along with our small group schedule. We want each of us to take just around 5 minutes every morning and evening to listen to, read, or pray through the Psalms together.

If you could use a little daily nudge, text the word “Psalms” to pastor Dylan at 417-282-8338* and we’ll send you a little help reading each day.

While we’re together in our group, we’re going to read whole Psalms or large chunks of a Psalm together aloud as your group leader sees fit.

This week, let’s read Psalms 1 & 2 aloud together. 



  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God?aIn what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life?


*Texting “Psalms” will opt you in to our Psalm text group. We will send you a text every Monday - Saturday at 7:00AM to listen to a Psalm with us. Text and data rates will apply. 

Week 4: Psalm Introduction (Bible Project)

Sept 29-Oct 5

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in your scripture Rhythm? ďťż
Bible Project: PSALMS

Video Discussion Questions:

Experiencing the Psalms as a "Literary Temple": The video describes the Psalms as a "virtual temple" where we can meet with God through poetry. Have you ever felt this way when reading or praying through the Psalms? How do you experience God’s presence when engaging with these ancient poems, and what specific Psalms have resonated with you in challenging times?

Praying Like David: The Psalms often reflect David’s deep desire to be in God’s presence, even during his most difficult moments. Can you think of a time when a Psalm helped you find words for your own prayers or brought comfort in a difficult situation? How did it change your perspective or help you connect with God?

Psalms as a Story of Hope and Exile: The video talks about the Psalms being designed for exiles, people longing to be back in God's presence. How do you relate to the idea of being in a spiritual "exile" or feeling distant from God? What practices or Psalms have helped you feel closer to God during those times?

Living the Psalms in Community: The Psalms were not just meant for personal reflection but also for community worship. How has reading or singing the Psalms with others impacted your faith journey? Can you share a specific experience where you felt the communal power of these prayers and songs?


Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God?aIn what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life?


We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily. This week, try listening to a Psalm sometime throughout your day and reading that same Psalm in the evening from a different Bible translation before bed.

If you want to receive a nudge each day, text the word “Psalms” to pastor Dylan at 417-282-8338*

*Texting “Psalms” will opt you in to our Psalm text group. We will send you a text every Monday - Saturday at 7:00AM to listen to a Psalm with us. Text and data rates will apply. 

Week 5: 📽️ Psalm Story: Sharon Ellard

October 6-12

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in your scripture Rhythm?
  • Are the daily text messages helpful for you?

Psalm Story • Sharon Ellard

Video Discussion Questions

How do you feel about God knowing your every thought, plan, and action?

“Wherever I go, there You are...”

Think of several locations or situations you routinely find yourself in during a typical week.

Rank how you feel about God’s presence at each: from 1, secure, to 4, apprehensive.

Discuss with the group.

Before birth, God recorded plans for your life. Read through the following “situations” and

imagine how God’s foreknowledge of your life might impact your reaction to each.

  • You hear of impending layoffs at work.
  • You disagree to someone close to you.
  • You are struggling with impulse control.
  • You are considering moving to a new location.
  • You wonder what to have for lunch. (Not all decisions on life-changing.)

What story can you share about how a Psalm has impacted your life? Would you be willing to share it with small groups?



Read Psalm 139 or another Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God?aIn what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life?



We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily. This week, try listening to and/or reading a Psalm early in the morning. As you go throughout your day, speak the words of the Psalm aloud and allow the Holy Spirit to use the Psalm to speak to you through your day.

If you want to receive a nudge each day, text the word “Psalms” to pastor Dylan at 417-282-8338*

*Texting “Psalms” will opt you in to our Psalm text group. We will send you a text every Monday - Saturday at 7:00AM to listen to a Psalm with us. Text and data rates will apply. 

Week 6: 📽️ Rhythms of Scripture • Meditate

October 13-19

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in your scripture Rhythm?
  • Sharing Your Story: Reflect on how hearing Sharon Ellard's story affected you. Is there a story from your own life related to Scripture that you feel could encourage others?

Daily Scripture Rhythm: How has incorporating a daily rhythm of Scripture reading impacted your personal life? Has it been easy or difficult to maintain it. What challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

Reading Psalms Together: If you've been following along with the daily Psalms reading, how has reading alongside others in the community deepened or changed your experience with Scripture? How does it feel knowing that your church family is reading the same scripture as you each day?

Scripture Out Loud: What has been your experience of reading Scripture out loud with others? How does the practice of reading together compare to reading Scripture alone?

Meditating on Scripture: In what ways have you engaged with meditating on Scripture? What practices can help engage your whole body in meditating on God’s Word? How does this practice of letting the voice in your head recite Scripture throughout the day differ from other meditation practices you may be familiar with?

Scripture as Internal Dialogue: Can you share a time when the voice in your head reminded you of a scripture that helped you navigate a tough situation? How did it shape your thoughts or actions?

Scripture’s Power to Change Your Life: Have you experienced transformation from engaging with God’s word? If so, in what ways?



Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God?aIn what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life?



We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily.

This week, as you read, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through your reading. Listen or read through the psalms several times, speak the words aloud as you read/listen each time. Afterward, take a several minutes to wait for the Holy Spirit to speak to you before going on with your routines.

Throughout your day, continue to mutter the words of the Psalm, allowing the Word of God to shape your thoughts and actions.

Week 7: 📽️  Small Group Prayer Meeting 🙏

October 20-26

Hour of Prayer

A pdf guide is available below for printing or using on your digital device. Here is the introduction on the pdf guide:

Throughout our prayer time together, we will have opportunity to pray through the scriptures listed. Many are intended to be read aloud together. Wherever scriptures are listed in bold, pray them aloud along with the video. It is important that we use our voice to lift these scriptures and that we make them our prayers rather than just ‘vain repetition’. 

Leaders, please encourage your group members to use their voice and pray along with the video out loud.

With each section, there is a time for extemporaneous prayer or quiet reflection as the Holy Spirit leads your group.

Anointing with oil and praying for the sick is encouraged during the prayers of intercession. Please be ready to pray for one another and to anoint with oil. Group leaders or hosts, please have some high quality oil available for anointing with. Extra virgin olive oil from the grocery store works well. 

During the course of the meeting, we’ll sing a couple of songs of praise, one ancient, and one modern. These songs are meant to be sung together, not listened to. Please participate and encourage others around you to participate. If you need to turn up the sound bar or tv speakers loud enough to make everyone comfortable enough to engage, than do it! 

Let’s pray together believing the LORD hears and will answer our prayers. 

Week 8: Light the Night Neighborhood Outreach

October 27-November 2

Week 9: Scripture • Discussion

November 3-9

Discussion Starter Questions:

  • When did you feel closest to God this week?
  • When did you feel resistance in your scripture Rhythm?
  • What stood out to you from meditating on the Psalms this week?


How has the LORD answered your prayers from our small group hour of prayer? What are you still believing for?

How does engaging with scripture daily affect the trajectory of your day?

How does reading a Psalm per day change your reaction to situations you find yourself in?

Has anything surprised you as you read the Psalms?



Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God?aIn what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life?



We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily.

This week, as you read, ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you through your reading. Listen or read through the psalms several times, speak the words aloud as you read/listen each time. Afterward, take a several minutes to wait for the Holy Spirit to speak to you before going on with your routines.

Throughout your day, continue to mutter the words of the Psalm, allowing the Word of God to shape your thoughts and actions.

Week 10: 📽️ Scripture - Listen

November 10-16

Listening through Scripture


Imagine a father who tells his son, "Don't touch the hot stove; you'll burn yourself." The son hears his father's words but, curious and distracted, he reaches out and touches 

the stove anyway. Predictably, he burns his hand and runs back to his father in tears. The father gently asks, "Why didn't you listen to me?"

We often find ourselves in the son's shoes. We hear advice, guidance, or warnings, but sometimes we don't truly *listen*—we don't let those words influence our actions.

Sometimes, we do the same with God’s wisdom from Scripture. Throughout the Old Testament, we read “Hear” or “Listen” and we think, “cool I get it”, but never put into practice the wisdom behind the words we’ve heard. In Hebrew, the word that is most often translated as “listen” or “hear” **shema** doesn't just mean to hear sound; it means to listen attentively and respond accordingly. There's no separate word for "obey" in Hebrew because *listening* inherently includes acting on what you've heard.

When we read or hear God's Word, it's an invitation to more than just absorb information—it's a call to action. Jesus emphasized this when He taught about being doers of the Word, not just hearers. It's like when we give a friend heartfelt advice, and they later say, "I should have listened to you."

As we've been reading and meditating on the Psalms, let's also focus on *listening* in the "shema" sense. What is God inviting us to do? How can His wisdom shape our actions today?

Let's encourage one another to not only hear God's Word but to let it move us into action. Let's be like the wise person who builds their house on the rock, putting into practice Jesus’ teaching.

The question still remains, will you listen?

Group Discussion Questions:

The Hebrew word shema means to listen and respond accordingly. How does this understanding influence the way you engage with Scripture or spiritual guidance?

Can you recall a time when you heard advice but didn't act on it? What did that experience teach you about the importance of not just hearing but also doing?

The early Christians referred to themselves as "people of the way," viewing faith as a journey. How does thinking of faith as a journey impact your relationship with God and others?

In what ways can we cultivate patience, attention, and humility to become better listeners, both to God and those around us?

How do you think we can encourage each other to move beyond merely hearing God's Word to actively living it out in our daily lives?

The disciples recognized Jesus when He broke bread with them. How might ordinary moments in our lives become opportunities to recognize and experience God's presence?

What do you feel God is inviting you to do today, and how might His wisdom shape your actions moving forward?

How does being part of a faith community help you stay on the "narrow path" and support you in your spiritual journey?

The video ends with the question, "Will you listen?" What does truly listening to God look like for you personally?


Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God? In what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life - what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do?


We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily.

This week, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to take action on the wisdom you're learning through scripture. In what areas of your life is he calling you to do something? Try to put those things into action without delay. Let's be doers of the word and not hearers only.

Week 11: Small Groups Family Meal 🍽️

November 17-23

Before you dive into all the turkey and pies with your family next week, why not warm up with a family meal together with your small group family? 🦃Come together for laughs, good food, and real conversations as we come together to give thanks for what God’s doing in our community. Bring your favorite dish, a friend, and your appetite for both food and connection.

Week 12: Scripture - Psalms & Justice

Dec 1-8

Psalms & Justice
  1. How do you respond to the Psalms that call for justice or vengeance against one's enemies? Do they make you feel comforted, challenged, or uncomfortable, and why?
  2. Bono mentions that justice, not charity, was central to Jesus's mission as reflected in the Psalms. Would you agree? What do you think is the difference between justice and charity, and how does this distinction influence our approach to helping others?
  3. In what ways do the themes of justice in the Psalms resonate with the injustices we see in the world today? How can we, as a community, embody the call to justice found in these scriptures?
  4. Reflect on the idea that "we all want justice for others but mercy for ourselves." How does this perspective affect our relationships and our understanding of justice and forgiveness?


Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God? In what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life - what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do?


We're continuing to listen to/read the Psalms daily.

This week, ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to take action on the wisdom you're learning through scripture. How can we bring heaven down through justice? Who in your life needs you to take up their cause? Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in helping.

Week 13: Scripture • Reflection

DISCUSSION: Reflecting on reading the Psalms together as a group.

This is our final scheduled week of small groups. After this week there will be parties, outreaches, volunteer opportunities, Christmas break for students and a whole slew of things to fill our calendars. Before we break for Christmas, let's look back at the semester of Psalms:

  • How has meditating on Scripture together as a group impacted you this semester?
  • What particular Psalm resonated with you? Why did it stand out, and how did it shape your view of God or yourself?
  • Where did you feel delight in reading a Psalm daily, where did you feel resistance?
  • What tools do you use to help you with rhythms of Scripture? What tools do you wish you had access to?


Read a Psalm aloud together.


  • What emotions are expressed in this psalm, and how do they resonate with your own feelings or experiences?
  • Which part of the Psalm stands out to you the most, and why?
  • How does the psalmist’s perspective on God challenge or encourage your own view of God? In what ways does this Psalm invite you to respond in your own life - what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do?


We are so very excited for small groups in 2025. We are going to be following the epic story of the Bible from Genesis to revelation to discover our identity in the story of the Bible and our role in God's plan. At the same time, Dr. Mark Jenkins will be teaching a course in Praise Classrooms on how to study Scripture. More information is coming very soon.

🎄 Crosslines Christmas Outreach

Since Robberson Elementary School closed down this year, we are putting or efforts into helping Crosslines ensure kids across Springfield have a merry Christmas. Many are serving with Crosslines at the Christmas toy distribution event. You can learn more here: