We Play For Keeps

Northeast Community Park Fundraiser Campaign

The Campaign

Springfield is booming. We want the attention of our city to make Christ’s love known. And we’re building a park to show our city His love in a BIG way, without strings attached. That’s what the park project is about. We’re investing in our city, not ourselves. We’re burying our treasure where our heart is. We’re not looking inward. We’re loving outward.

We’re playing for keeps!

Slide into New Beginnings!

Invest in a community park accessible to all!

Plant the seeds of community growth by pledging to give toward Northeast Community Park. This isn't just about supporting a park; it's an investment in shared green spaces, collective well-being, and the heart of our community. Let's cultivate a brighter future together!

With your contributions and matching from the general fund, we're almost halfway to our goal. Let’s do this together 🙌.

The Northeast Community Park exists to provide a safe, inviting, and open space for our community to gather, grow, and get to know each other. We want to improve and move Northeast Springfield from the inside, out. We want to see our mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being improve while property values increase. We want to be a vital part of our community.

Connection. Neighbors: we’re better together. We need a space for that.

Nature. Fresh air, soft grass, and a place to play make happy, healthy people.

Movement. The less we move, the less we can. The more we do, the flip is true.

Accessibility. Everyone should be able to play with family and friends.